Panchang Clock

In our day to day life we follow Gregorian, popularly known as English calendar. This calendar is based on the solar system. However, all Indian religious activities are based on Indian calendar which is based on the lunar system. The days are called as Tithis and months follow the movement of the moon around the earth. Derivation of Tithis is a lot more complex than English days and is based on mathematical calculations. Panchang displays which can be also used in homes or institutions as well, shows the Indian calendar in English as well as regional languages. These displays come with a 10 year built in calendar and features like programmable message display.

Display Type LED/ LCD/ TFT
Power Supply 110-230VAC / 5 VDC
Size/Dimension 0.5" - 12"
Color Amber/Blue/Green/Red/White
Usage/Application Indoor